TRC raises $15,000 for Giant Steps

Submitted on Wed 24 Nov 2010

TRC Group has now successfully raised its target of $15,000 to build an early Autism Assesment and Diagnosis centre for Giant Steps School. Following several months of fund raising and efforts by TRC Group's consultants, clients and candidates the money was raised 1 month ahead of shedule.

TRC Group's Managing Director, Simon Moss, said of the efforts "this has been an outstanding effort on the part of the TRC team with the whole company getting behind the project and investing their time, money and ideas. But what has made this such a success, with the money being raised one month ahead of target, has been the involvement from our clients and candidates".

The centre will provide Giant Steps with the ability to assess more children at an earlier age, greatly increasing the chances of integrating more children back into mainstream schooling by identifying the condition early. The centre will also lessen the stress and trauma felt by both children and parents undergoing what was previously a fairly gruelling assessment process.

The project is part of TRC Group's 'TRC in thh Community' program which aims to provide funding, services and promotion of local, NSW based community charities.

Work has now started on the centre with the TRC team volunteering their weekend to get building works underway. The centre should be ready for operation by January 2011.

Giant Steps offers cutting edge schooling for children with Autism. For further details or to donate please visit their website.


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