The Recruitment Company celebrates Christmas in July (in August)

Submitted on Mon 15 Aug 2016

May and June were record months for us. The whole team pulled together to hit some pretty impressive stretch targets.  So, in true TRC style, our MD, Geoff, took us all away for a weekend of fun in the Blue Mountains.  

We set off in our tour bus on Friday lunch time, arrived at our amazing property with a few hours to spare before the caterers arrived to cook us a slap up Christmas Dinner.  Donning our finest Christmas jumpers we sat around a roaring fire, opened some terrible Christmas presents we ate too much, drank too much and partied the night away.

We were dragged, bleary eyed, from our beds to a crisp, clear winters morning where half the team headed off for a game of golf and the other half went to a much more hangover friendly massage spa to eat cheese and lie on a table. 

The property had uninterrupted views of the amazing valley of the Blue Mountains. The weather was perfect; clear blue skies, crisp, winter air and enough chill in the evening to make two nights in front of a fire very cosy.  A gallon of  steaming mulled wine helped as well.


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