VIDEO SERIES: Contract Recruitment with Sophie Robertson - Part 3

Submitted on Tue 22 Nov 2022

In Part 3 of this series, Contract recruitment expert and author, Sophie Robertson talks about some of the trends she is seeing in the Australian contract recruitment landscape.

Living in a post-covid world, many things have changed. One of the biggest changes Sophie talks about relating to the job market is the attitude of candidates.

Being in lockdown for such a long period of time, gave many people the time and space to reflect on their careers and as a result they started asking themselves the questions around job satisfaction and whether they really want to be working in a job that doesn’t entirely make them happy. This shift has meant that more and more candidates are open to doing contract work, which has been fantastic for not only the contracting market but also our economy.

Watch Part 3 of the series now and stay tuned for Part 4!


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