3 simple things to do today for a $10K payrise
Thursday June 30, 2016

Many recruiters would like to get a payrise, but often don't know how to achieve it. Did you know that earning yourself a $10,000 pay increase can be as simple as doing little things to get more from your day?
We at The Recruitment Company believe that it is not the big things you do, but the small steps you take consistently that will make the biggest difference to your career in a Sydney recruitment agency. Here are our top three things that you can do everyday to help earn yourself a extra cash.
Have your day planned out before you get to work in the morning.
1. Get organised and remove distractions
How much of your work day are you spending trying to decide which tasks to pursue?
By taking some time at the end of each day to plan out what you will do tomorrow, you will be more productive and able to make the most of all your time at work. Divide your day into one-hour blocks with exactly how many people you need to contact, who you'll be calling and why you're calling them.
In addition, be sure to remove distractions like the phone or email, so that you will be forced to focus all your attention on each task alone.
2. Take advantage of an early start
Another way to improve your productivity is to start early instead of staying late. Coming to work early means that you will be able to take advantage of being fresher at the beginning of the day. According to the Australian Business Insider, an early start can make a good impression on your boss and help to demonstrate your commitment and motivation.
By coming in just an hour early, you will have that little bit more time on the phone. Taking advantage of the extra time and making the morning your most productive time, will help you to get your day off to a good start and have allot accomplished before your colleagues even arrive.

3. Take breaks and get moving
It can often be tempting to skip lunch, but leading business media site Fast Company says that taking regular breaks is key to maintaining your productivity levels throughout the day.
Don't just stay at your desk however, make the most of the time by getting out and taking a walk or some other form of exercise. You can even walk while on the phone. Physical activity is known to help your mental focus, making you more efficient.
Consistently doing these things on a daily basis will go a long way to making you a more effective recruiter, and reaching that extra pay as a result.
By Simon Moss