Worksafe WA launches new work health and safety survey
Saturday March 14, 2015

Regardless of the size or scope of your business, one of the most important considerations is workplace health and safety. There are many hazards and risks in the work environment, but it is up to businesses to reduce these issues and create a productive space for all.
It is then pleasing to report that WorkSafe WA has launched its Small Business Safety web page which is designed to help organisations stay on top of their obligations.
According to WorkSafe, around 97 per cent (209,000) of Western Australian businesses are classed as small (employing 1 to 19 people). In fact, there are more than 514,000 employees throughout the state in smaller businesses.
WorkSafe WA Commissioner Lex McCulloch explained that all businesses need to do is finish a basic questionnaire on the site in order to understand what health and safety challenges their staff face.
"Once completed, the questionnaire provides small business owners with a tailored checklist of the work safety issues they need to address in their workplaces," he said in a February statement.
"The questionnaire also links to simplified versions of other WorkSafe documents that will help small businesses develop appropriate systems to establish and maintain safe work environments."
Mr McCulloch concedes that many businesses don't know where to start in relation to workplace safety. However, the website will make the process easier for all concerned.
"Making and keeping these workplaces safe and healthy is crucial, and this new web page aims to support small business by providing the information they require to comply with occupational safety and health legislation," he stated.
"Being web-based, this information is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, catering for small business owners and employers who we are aware do not have a lot of spare time during the working day."
TRC Group takes workplace safety seriously and is committed to ensure our candidates are employed in roles that are safe and secure. For more information about work health and safety concerns for IT contractors, contact our expert team today.