Acing the interview: 10 tips for nailing your interview!
Wednesday March 16, 2016

Working for a recruitment agency its sometimes easy to forget that interviewing is difficult. Well here are 10 simple tips that we've put together that, if followed, will make interviewing less stressful and more fruitful :
- Research the company and the person interviewing you (on LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) - Read their website and get your head around who they are and what they do.
- Write down questions to ask them - Bring neatly written notes in with you, so when they ask any questions, you can demonstrate your preparedness and insight.
- Practice answers to common interview questions - Practice answers at home to common questions such as "What are your key achievements" and "What are your weaknesses."
- Know your CV and LinkedIn profile inside out - Make sure they are both fully up-to-date and paint the best picture of you.
- Dress for success - Ask your agent or the HR person what the dress code is and dress accordingly.
- Don't be too early and definitely don't be late - Arrive exactly 10 minutes beforehand. Give yourself plenty of time, but wait outside the building if you have to.
- Make a good first impression - This goes for the interviewer and receptionist, as well as everyone you meet at the organisation.
- Get your handshake right - Practice on friends if you need to.
- Be confident - And make sure your body language is too!
- Keep to the point and answer the question.
For more recruitment advice, come speak to one of our experts and have a look at some other articles on our blog. Good luck for your interviews! (Well, if you follow these tips, you probably won't need luck, will you!)