What can be done to make remote working more effective?
Tuesday November 8, 2016

A generation ago, it never would have seemed possible, but today more and more employees are staying home and taking advantage of flexible working arrangements, working remotely rather than physically going into an office. Modern technology has made this a realistic option, now that practically all our data is stored in the cloud and we can be productive from pretty much anywhere.
As a manager, the challenge is to ensure that your team is highly productive, even when they don't come into the office.
For managers, the challenge is to ensure that your team is still highly productive, even when they don't come in. When companies spend good money on hiring, training and developing in-house talent, they want to know their people are achieving at a high level and their investment is paying off. So what can be done to make remote working highly successful?
Embracing the remote work paradigm
As a manager the first step toward making remote work effective is not only accepting it, but learning to embrace it. In today's age your workforce is probably far for tech-savvy than you are, and probably far more trustworthy and productive managing their own time than you give them credit for. Embracing remote working is also a big draw card in attracting the right minded, like-minded individuals to your business, as it's far more about work life balance these days than it is about job titles and prestige.
If you're a manager struggling to get your head around it, there are plenty of statistics to indicate remote work is effective. According to recent data from McCrindle Research, 55% of Australians say they're either "slightly" or "significantly" more productive at home than in the office. This stat could still be improved upon, but it's a good start. Furthermore, 80% say they're more likely to stay with an employer that's flexible in this way, and 52% are even likely to take a pay cut for it. In other words, remote work has real value.

Building a strong company culture
So how can you make the most of this new reality? According to Fast Company, it's best not to overthink it - the principles that make a good remote workforce are the same as with any other. You want to build a strong company culture, and this starts with strong communication.
Just because people are remote doesn't mean they can't be as accessible. . If you have good systems in place, such as a fully integrated phone system, virtual meeting rooms, a chat function, a laptop and a mobile, you can talk, meet and collaborate from practically anywhere as successfully as if you were sitting next to one another.
You also want to create an office environment that is great to be in. The goal is to build an environment where everyone enjoys being, so that they have the choice to work remotely when it suits, but also enjoy coming into the office to maintain that level of social integration and keep your company culture alive. One way to help make this happen is to partner with a recruitment agency in Sydney that knows the value of a good company culture and lives remote working. At The Recruitment Company, we love partnering with like-minded recruiters, clients and candidates, so click here to see what we're up to.