
2 ways to generate positive company culture

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There is no doubt that operating a company is a two-way street. Firstly, you require attention from clients and customers - turning positive relationships into revenue.

However, secondly - and potentially, more important - is the input from your employees. Without their commitment and passion, it's difficult to create a business that outsiders wan…

3 benefits of having an engaged workforce

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It is fair to say that in the current recruitment scene, the concept of employee engagement has never been more important.

Employees have a fair amount of choice when it comes to jobs - so the last thing that businesses want is to push their talent into the arms of the opposition.

This makes employee engagement a vital part of any small business …

Cloud applications causing security concerns

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There is no doubt that cloud is becoming a major part of the infrastructure of any business - but at what cost?

Cloud applications are readily available for employees on laptops, mobiles, tablets and desktop computers. However, according to Netskope's January 2015 cloud report, many are putting entire businesses at risk.

On average, organisations…

Interviewing rules

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Here are some great tips on how to maximise your time in an interview.

Returning to workafter maternity leave

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This is a repost of a fantastic article written by a guest blogger on TRCBlog, Olivia Nixon. What are the main things you should consider when returnign to work after maternity leave?

Legal Alien

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Looking for work in a foreign land can be daunting. Here are some tips to help you in your search. Written by our Guest Blogger Matt Gregorohwski

Interview checklist

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This is a checklist to make sure you stay focused before, during and after the interview. Creating a cheat sheet will help you feel more prepared and confident. You shouldn't memorise what's on the sheet or check it off during the interview. You should use your cheat sheet to remind you of key facts. Below are some suggestions for what you should include on it.

The Boomerang Effect

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Technology is ever evolving. It consistently sees new and emerging trends in strategy, methodology and architecture. In such a rapidly changing industry, there arises a need for increased production and creation which, in turn, leads to the need for new talent. The question then is how to source this new need for employees.